SOMEWHERE ELSE / Niekde inde
- 2007
- drevo, BeeBoard kartón, lešenie, zem, voda, kresby a sochy / wood, BeeBoard® cardboard, scaffoldings, soil, water, drawings en sculptures
- W139, Amsterdam, NL
- 2200 x 1100 x 800 cm
- Labyrint chodieb, ktoré sa hadia cez rôzne vrstvy budovy, aj priestory, ktoré zvyčajne nie sú prístupné verejnosti: pivnica, podkrovie, dvor. V inštalácii sú integrované kresby Maaike van der Linden a sochy Maartje Korstanje a vlastná studňa.
Labyrinth of corridors that meander across various layers of the building, also the areas usually not accessible: the basement, the attic, the yard. Including own well, drawings of Maaike van der Linden and sculptures of Maartje Korstanje.