Gábor Szenteleki

  • Hungary (b. 1978 in Körmend)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.
  • freelance artist
Wound Licker

Wound Licker

  • 2014
  • Oil on Canvas
  • 35 x 45 cm

  • Wound Licker
  • Golden beach - thumbnail synanthropic - thumbnail Couple - thumbnail Distance search - thumbnail Wounded - thumbnail Neighbours - thumbnail Idol - thumbnail Julia - thumbnail Pihenő / Resting - thumbnail Ég a napmelegtől... - thumbnail Hssssssszzzzzz - thumbnail Tibi bácsi és Marika néni a Balcsiban fürdenek - thumbnail Modul - thumbnail Wounded - thumbnail Summer House / Nyaraló - thumbnail Summer House / Nyaraló - thumbnail Without title / Cím nélkül - thumbnail Without title / Cím nélkül - thumbnail Without title / Cím nélkül - thumbnail Summer House / Nyaraló  - thumbnail Without title - thumbnail Summer House / Nyaraló - thumbnail Without title - thumbnail Without title (existence) - thumbnail Ami ami, az az. - thumbnail Without title - thumbnail New wall - thumbnail Without title - thumbnail Without title - thumbnail without title - thumbnail Jóska - thumbnail Without title - thumbnail Proud - thumbnail Tibor - thumbnail Uptight / Feszült - thumbnail Calm - thumbnail Graceful / Könnyed - thumbnail Sore corner / Fájós sarok  - thumbnail Sunburned / Napégette - thumbnail Psichomorphic figure - thumbnail without title - thumbnail Without title - thumbnail Beaten - thumbnail Krisztián - thumbnail Psichomorphic transmutation - thumbnail Psichomorphic transmutation - thumbnail In sunlight - thumbnail House - thumbnail Dawn crossing - thumbnail Crop - thumbnail Crop - thumbnail Formatted crop - thumbnail Passage - thumbnail Rectal Creature - thumbnail The Ferret's Dream - thumbnail Beast - thumbnail Bourgeois - thumbnail Wound Licker - thumbnail What size - thumbnail Sad Little Thingy - thumbnail Ptempest  - thumbnail Stay - thumbnail Parasite II. - thumbnail Scared of the Lightning - thumbnail Mother - thumbnail House rescue - thumbnail Book - thumbnail Book - thumbnail Soap mushroom - thumbnail Deer mug - thumbnail Early evening from the main road - thumbnail Andrea - thumbnail Spontaneous classification - thumbnail A tired activist girl - thumbnail Free evidence - thumbnail Living space - thumbnail Mug mushroom - thumbnail Resolutely producing boy - thumbnail Harvest // Aid - thumbnail Share - thumbnail Hause hiding - thumbnail low producer - thumbnail One here, an otherone there - thumbnail Stalker - thumbnail Shepherd - thumbnail Sing song carriers - thumbnail My little estate - thumbnail Girl being - thumbnail Pomegranate - thumbnail Girl with cistern - thumbnail Girl with herpes - thumbnail Man alone - thumbnail It is so peaceful - thumbnail Girls at the lake - thumbnail Pomegranate - thumbnail In consideration with Goya - thumbnail In consideration with Goya - thumbnail Girl by the lake of mine - thumbnail Girls by the lake of mine - thumbnail Blessed - thumbnail Girl with unusual colour aura - thumbnail Girl with 3462 freckles - thumbnail In consideration with Goya - thumbnail Untitled - thumbnail cock cleaning - thumbnail Yawning hermaphrodite  - thumbnail Young Jedy practices to levitate a pomegranate occasion a gathering - thumbnail

    58 / 107

    selected paintings | 2005 - 2023