Vladimir Marnix Ivaneanu

  • Belgium (b. 1977 in Gent)
  • Currently in Gent, Belgium.
  • There are two fish in the sea: the soul - thumbnail There are two fish in the sea: the body - thumbnail The hiding - thumbnail The Necklace - thumbnail La consolazione - thumbnail The Encounter - thumbnail The End of All Things - thumbnail The Protectress - thumbnail The song - thumbnail

    Woodcuts | 2007 - 2012


  • The Expectation - thumbnail Grow little mountain, grow. Give me a miracle! - thumbnail The Repairer - thumbnail The temptress - thumbnail

    Miniatures | 2008 - 2014


  • Midas, always, Midas - thumbnail We all need a hero: the prophecy - thumbnail The Comfort - thumbnail The factory - thumbnail Hommage to Angel Michaël - thumbnail L'enclos - thumbnail La Zambinella - thumbnail

    Drawings | 2008 - 2014
