pascal brateau

  • France (b. 1967 in Reims)
  • Currently in Berlin, Germany.


  • aquabitArt
  • Auguststrasse 35
  • Berlin, Germany
  • 10119



  • RAUM ERMESSEN, Galerie weisserelefant, Berlin, Germany.
  • Flatland, public space, Berlin, Germany.


  • betreten auf eigene Gefahr, vol 2, AquabitArt gallery, Berlin, Germany.
  • point commun, galerie neuf, Nancy, France.


  • above the clouds, A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China.
  • ce qu'habité veut dire, galerie Le|Préau, Maxéville, France.




  • The Other Side Of The World, Tsukimawari Park, Takamori, Japan.


  • pustule, public space (near the main station), Marseille, France.


  • code-barre, église des trinitaires (art center), Metz, France.



  • Poesie des Raumes, WertkStadt eV, Berlin, Germany.


  • Totems, open space, Nancy, France.
  • DOMUS square dance, Meinblau Projektraum, Berlin , Germany.
  • release, studio-id, Berlin, Germany.


  • HAUS, Basement, Berlin, Germany.
  • Change, green hill gallery, Berlin, Germany.


  • À livres ouverts​​​​​​​ «La maison des livres», par Pascal Brateau et Aurélie Pertusot, Espace Saint Exupéry, Lapugnoy, France.


  • point courru au lieu de travers, FABRIKculture, Hégenheim (Basel), France.
  • REGIONALE 22 we proudly present, Kunst Raum Riehen, Basel, Switzerland.
  • ANIMAL (2), Espace du Faubourg, Pompey, France.
  • absent, Meinblau gallery, Berlin, Germany.
  • Home, Morgan Library, Jersey City, United States.
  • GENERATIONS RÉPÉTÉES – « Générer des traces, mémoire des lieux », Galerie Œil , Forbach, France.


  • animal, La Douëra, Malzéville, France.
  • TEIDA 2 by occasionalcurator, virtual open space.
  • hors les murs, billboards, public space, Vandoeuvre, France.


  • Week Stoff Gropiusstadt, Gemeinschaftshaus, Berlin, Germany.
  • Analectes, galerie nord du château, Lunéville, France.


  • 2 works from the plus vite collection (P brateau, P Garenc), high school Chopin mini-gallery, Nancy, France.
  • paysages intérieurs, La Douëra, Nancy, France.
  • le sentier des passeurs, 7° art biennale in Pays de Salme, Le Saulcy, France.
  • Betreten auf eigene Gefahr / enter at your own risk, aquabit gallery, Berlin, Germany.
  • Neuköllner Kunstpreis [2° art price Berlin Neukölln], Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin, Germany.
  • Neuköllner Produktion, Werkstadt Kunst Satellit, Berlin, Germany.



  • Aurélie Pertusot et Pascal Brateau, entre les lignes, médiathèque Les Lumières, Lapugnoy, France.


  • 1+1=1, Galerie Claude Watrin, centre Jean Morette, Fameck, France.
  • les volets, public space, Biot, France.
  • ex-voO, public space, rue de serve, Lacanche, France.
  • art save the world, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, Germany.
  • illusions des espaces temps, Site des Renaudières, Carquefou, France.
  • hommage à Karlsruhe, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe am Rondellplatz, Karlsruhe, Germany.


  • ST-ART (art fair), ST-ART, Strasbourg, France.
  • artist in Aso, sakagura gallery, Aso-City, Japan.
  • extravaganza, the secret eight doors, shimotori, Kumamoto, Japan.
  • arthoteque nomade, OT Vic, Vic sur Seille, France.
  • genesis 5, Earth Art Museum, Takamori, Japan.
  • kunstauktion, werkstadt-berlin, Berlin, Germany.
  • à pied et cent boussoles, BPL, Château-Salins, France.
  • structures, Site des Renaudières / FRAC des pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France.


  • la fonction poétique, galerie 379, Nancy, France.
  • la fonction poétique [hors les murs], galerie 9, Nancy, France.
  • ouaa, galerie Ergastule / tekhne, Nancy, France.
  • le bureau invite ergastule, le bureau, Paris, France.


  • multiples 2012, My Monkey gallery, Nancy, France.
  • sentes, 3 public space (permanent artworks), Ramillies, Belgium.
  • billboard art project, billboard brodway street, Quincy, United States.


  • miniworks 2, Schillerpalais, Berlin, Germany.
  • Koffer, forum factory gallery, Berlin, Germany.
  • miniworks, Schillerpalais, Berlin, Germany.
  • cabanes, Le Grand-Pré, Langueux, France.


  • grenze, Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin, Germany.


  • en dehors des sentiers battus, public space, Laxou, France.



  • l'esprit des lieux, Presentation, grande bibliothèque de l'abbaye de Senones, Senones, France. with Valérie Klein, anthropologist.
    After historical references and questions raised by the the notion of the "spirit of places" proposed by Valérie Klein, Pascal Brateau illustrate how, as an artist, he tries to bring out, to make visible the spirit of a place through an intervention. Based on a given number of his works, realized or not, he develops the notion of living / inhabited, to discuss the issues of this theme and possible poetic responses.


  • architecture + art weekend, Presentation, Berlin, Germany. curated by Irina Ilieva.
    .Venues: Jüdisches Museum Berlin; Galerie Benhadj & Djilali, Galerie aquabitArt; Projekträume Rosalux, East of Elsewhere, CNTRM WRNHS; Bärenzwinger, Klosterruine; Rosengarten Treptow, ZKR Spreepark.


  • summer residency, Project, Berlin, Germany. curated by virgule3 (pascal brateau and aurélie pertusot).


  • Presentation, CAMK (Contemporary Art Museum of Kumamoto), Kumamoto, Japan. conducted by Takeshi Sakurai MBE, Director of CAMK.
  • GENESIS 5 Symposium, Presentation, Earth Art Museum, Takamori, Japan. panel discussions.
  • art clinic, Project, Werkstadt e.V., Berlin, Germany. curator.
    ART CLINIC is a monthly exchange platform for emerging and professional visual artists of all mediums. It is a space where artists can present their work in an informal setting, which hopes to foster reflection and development of one’s own practice through feedback, critique, and support. curators: aurélie pertusot + pascal brateau (Werkstadt e.V) initiator of the project : Jane Hughes


  • 22avril-2012, Urban Action, 12 french cities (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lille,…), France. within collectif du 22 avril.
    artistic and political performance within the french presidential official campaign. posters showing people turning their backs covering illegally the official posters.


  • architecture & 4 elements, Project, jardin de la citadelle, Nancy, France.
    classe APAC


  • Born 1967 in Reims, France.
  • Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.


  • 2024
    artist grant
    Nancy cultural department, Nancy, France
  • 2022
    research grant
    Région Grand-Est, Strasbourg, France
  • 2021
    research grant
    Nancy cultural department, Nancy, France
  • 2021
    Draußenstadt – BESD-Programm - Kunst im öffentlichen Raum
    Bezirk Treptow-Köpenick von Berlin, Fachbereich Kultur, BERLIN, Germany
  • 2020
    support for french artist exhibition
    Bureau des arts plastiques (french institute), Berlin, Germany
  • 2020
    support for international outreach
    Region Grand-Est, Strasbourg, France
  • 2020
    Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
    Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, United States
  • 2018
    competition for artwork in Treptower park, 1° place
    Bezirksamt Treptow-Köppenick, Berlin, Germany
  • 2018
    Neuköllner Kunstpreis, nominated
    Bezirksamt Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
  • 2017
    reFORMation [7th art prize art-figura], nominated
    Schloss Museum Schwarzenberg, Schwarzenberg, Germany


  • 2019
    ARIE A4 Artist in Residence International Program, A4 Museum, Chengdu, China
  • 2016
    résidence-mission, Artois-Comm + DRAC, Béthune, France
  • 2014
    Artist In Aso, Artist In Aso Comitee, Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto, Takamori, Kumamoto, Japan
  • 2013
    creative residency, la chambre claire / MP13, Marseille, France
  • 2012
    creative residency, asbl re-affect, GAL Culturalité, Centre culturel du Brabant wallon, Ramillies, Belgium
  • 2011
    creative residency, Musée de la briquetterie, Saint-Brieuc


  • 2015 - Present
    virgule3, Nancy/Berlin
  • 2014 - Present
    werkstadt satellit, berlin, Germany
  • 2012
    collectif du 22 avril


  • Musée des beaux-arts de Nancy, Nancy, France
  • A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China
  • multimedia library collection, Lapugnoy, France
  • private collection, Berlin, Germany
  • Le Bureau, Paris, France
  • Earth Art Museum, Takamori, Japan
  • private collection, Berlin, Germany
  • plus vite, Saulnois, France
  • ergastule, Nancy, France
  • private collection, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
  • Lagoa cultural department, Lagoa, Portugal