Nik  Timková

  • Slovakia (b. 1986 in Košice)
  • Currently in Praha / Košice, Stockholm, Czech Republic.
  • "Patrí k superkrehkým, zvláštnym spôsobom duchovným outsiderom." "Belongs to the super fragile, spiritual outsider in a special way." (Jana Bodnárová, Takmer Neviditeľná)
  • Nik Timková @ New Scenario "RESIDENCY" - thumbnail Skinissues Re-Member - thumbnail 1/3 sea-water 1/3 river-water 1/3 spring-water - thumbnail 1/3 sea-water 1/3 river-water 1/3 spring-water - thumbnail emo_oce @ Neklid věcí / The Disorder of things - thumbnail The Dawn / Derenges - thumbnail The Dawn / Derenges installation details - thumbnail from Existential Housekeeping - thumbnail Existence Forgets @ Superimpositions - thumbnail from Existential Housekeeping #3 - thumbnail from Existential Housekeeping #2 - thumbnail Existential Housekeeping #1 - thumbnail from Existential Housekeeping #1 - thumbnail Existential Housekeeping #2 - thumbnail from Alone in Babylon - thumbnail Alone in Babylon - thumbnail - 20% - thumbnail A Storm of Swords - thumbnail NON STOP Brooklyn w/ Jakub Hošek - thumbnail Forest Folklore - thumbnail

    Select Works | 2011 - 2017
