Flóra Kőszeghy

  • Hungary (b. 1980 in Debrecen)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.




  • 2016
  • Oil on Canvas
  • 120 x 120 cm
  • Stonelace - thumbnail Easel - thumbnail Lifting - thumbnail Nightwood - thumbnail Armed - thumbnail Fleshform - thumbnail

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    Parted skins | 2016 - 2017

Fort he abstraction of human body Flóra Kőszeghy uses the paintings accuracy. This seems paradox, what makes it even more interesting. The artist looks for those details, that are unrecognisable, and resembles of something else, than a body. In these paintings, their emotional and sensual charge is the most human . Their hidden erotic character and somehow sad mood makes them alive. Again we are too close to see what is to be said, but we cal feel it from the scale of the imaginally continued subject. The surfaces behave like skin, the thin layered paint and the dripping is underlining the emotional background. Though Kőszeghy considers herself as a rather conceptual artist, here we see, that her concept is probably inheriting the problematic of the human nature.