Judit Navratil

  • Hungary (b. 1982 in Szombathely)
  • Currently in San Francisco, United States.
  • Judit’s practice is multivalent, engaging performance, social practices, drawing, as well as video and VR; investigating the possibilities and dangers of ‘home’ in cyberspace. Judit is a Long Distance Somersaulter (LDS), seeking for higher alternatives.


Is it possible to change one’s character?

Is it possible to change one’s character?

  • 2014
  • Colored Pencil, Chalk on Paper
  • 100 x 70 cm
  • What should i do to be happy? - thumbnail Is it possible to change one’s character? - thumbnail How would it be to go to the US for investment? - thumbnail Shall I accept and support workworkwork as I did in the past 2 years? - thumbnail Shall I be a buddhist? - thumbnail How is my next marriage going to be? - thumbnail I get affected by weather so much past one year that i feel like shit when it's constantly grey out and I don't want to see anyone. - thumbnail But maybe I choose not to be affected by weather because this affects my family badly. - thumbnail Money? - thumbnail Am I going to have children? - thumbnail A secret question about stresses and sadly common issues of life. - thumbnail

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    Oracoolio | 2014 - 2015

Oracoolio is my DIY oracle, an online fortune-drawing project of being the “esoteric housewife”. The client's active participation was required for the fortune-telling procedure; I've asked for photographs of their tongue (alfa), the remains of food, and the remains of eating (omega). The other basis was I Ching. I used these taboo shapes merged with empty, shiny shells of an eye-candy aesthetics; the contrast of serious beliefs and personal life paths versus the depth of daily horoscopes. As a yummy accessory, there's an app which shows you the original materials in Augmented Reality.