Dear baby Jesus, I wish under the tree a mobile phone with a snake, crayons mainly pink, inflatable castle, bike and tiger or the elephant, that can fly with its ears. And the tiger must be calm, in order to not eat our dog Žeryk, thanks Klárka Lázničková. I want tiger as a pet. Isn’t this wish just an attempt to run away from our hurried and precarized adult world to calm and sweet childhood? This cycle of painting is inspired by criminal case connected to tiger masox and breeding of exotic felines by private individuals in the Czech Republic. The installation works with the topic of perception of painting. Its main conception tries to support relaxing feeling of the exhibition space and lures the visitor to spend longer time in the space, which allows deeper concentration onto the visuality of paintings. The painting is not an index of the painted motive, but instead it carries relaxing feelings. The observer might let her mind float in the flow of visual thinking in the similar way as the objects are floating on the paintings.