My bachelor thesis called Tygo Dream is focused of sensitive and suggestive properties of painting. In many cases, I identified myself with thought and theories of modern painters for example: The image is a chaise lounge for the soul. I have created series of paintings (Tiger, Palm, Fable) that deals with this topic. The whole work was made in a slightly exaggerated tone. One of the main aims was to prevent the fear that was evident in the post-election Ostrava. I used the classic method of oil painting and installed created paintings in semi-public spaces in Ostrava. Without much ambition, I let them to perform their common (contemplative, meditative, aesthetical and decorative) functions. Places: Pneuservis, VEGA healthy food, Ostrava City Library branch office Daliborova, Maryčka - cafe, Žalák - pub, Plato - wc in gallery, Salvation Army, Boček - bakery, FER@NET net - cafe, Salt cave Halos.