Klára Lázničková

  • Czech Republic (b. 1995 in Brno)
  • Currently in Praha, Brno, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
  • Classical painter and intermedial artist. My focus is mainly between painting, especially tigers, redrawings old cartoon jokes, participation in Global Genocide group and performing in duvet covers.
Hen, oil on blanket, 2016

Hen, oil on blanket, 2016

  • 2020

  • Slepice
  • Kurata
  • Pes
  • Kocky3
  • Hen, oil on blanket, 2016 - thumbnail Cats, oil on blanket, 2016 - thumbnail

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    Animals | 2016 - 2020

I in this work I try to empty the motive and only percieve the subject in abstract dimensions. I focus on physical constitution of animals in different situations, positions or phases of movement but I take its mass just as an abstract shape. This shape is further simplified and cleansed from unimportant visual noises. I also used the natural compositions of animals in their raw form - just how it happened during the day or night. Frames are coated with alternative materials like towels or blankets which structure might resemble animal fur. Also it makes it harder to paint in detail, which pushes me as a painter into the need for much more simplified shapes.