Michal Rapant

  • Czech Republic (b. 1986 in Vyškov)
  • Currently in Praha, Czech Republic.
  • Michal Rapant executes his works in the way of painting, regardless the fact that some of his works give the impression of spatiality. Through his paintings he problematizes the breaking points of contemporary society.
At the end of each game, the pawn and the king end up in one box / Na konci každé hry skončí pěšec i král v jedné krabici

At the end of each game, the pawn and the king end up in one box / Na konci každé hry skončí pěšec i král v jedné krabici

  • 2020
  • Oil on Canvas
  • 310 x 220 cm

  •  0010735
  •  0010736
  •  0010738
  • At the end of each game, the pawn and the king end up in one box / Na konci každé hry skončí pěšec i král v jedné krabici - thumbnail Carpe diem - thumbnail "You don't even notice the colors fading around, but are we still alive when the dead don't move with us?" / "Ani nevnímáš, jak barvy kolem blednou, jsme ale ještě pořád živí, když už s námi ani mrtví nehnou?" - thumbnail "You smell beautiful in color" / "Nádherně voníš barvami" - thumbnail Frost burns everything / Mráz vše spálí - thumbnail

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    Nature Morte | 2018 - 2020