Michal Rapant

  • Czech Republic (b. 1986 in Vyškov)
  • Currently in Praha, Czech Republic.
  • Michal Rapant executes his works in the way of painting, regardless the fact that some of his works give the impression of spatiality. Through his paintings he problematizes the breaking points of contemporary society.
"Don't worry about it, the cemetery flowers bloom for everyone." / "Nelam si s tím hlavu, hřbitovní kvítí kvete pro všechny!"

"Don't worry about it, the cemetery flowers bloom for everyone." / "Nelam si s tím hlavu, hřbitovní kvítí kvete pro všechny!"

  • 2019
  • Oil, Acrylic on Canvas
  • 270 x 210 cm

  • My friend became a nearly fatal bicycle accident. Many hours unconscious, but then he found help himself and survived.
  • Honor the grandfather / Pocta dědovi - thumbnail Rascal / Raubíř - thumbnail "If I had more money, I'll give you that school."(mom)/"Kdybych měla více peněz, tak tě na tu školu dám."(maminka) - thumbnail "I want to go home! Nobody wants to play with me anyway!" / "Já chci domů! Stejně si tu se mnou nikdo nechce hrát!" - thumbnail Hurvinek / Hurvínek - thumbnail "Pilgrim on the way to Nirvana" / "Poutnice na cestě do nirvány" - thumbnail Au revoir mon amour peut-être un autre jour peut-être une autre année - thumbnail A great tribute to Franta in his nineties / Velká pocta Frantovi k devadesátinám - thumbnail Two brothers until death / Dva bratři až do smrti - thumbnail Mein herz brennt! - thumbnail A blessing in disquise, on the edge of the life! - thumbnail Angela and Fairy / Andělka a Víla - thumbnail My brother!!! / Můj bratr!!! - thumbnail "Don't worry about it, the cemetery flowers bloom for everyone." / "Nelam si s tím hlavu, hřbitovní kvítí kvete pro všechny!" - thumbnail

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    The Family and friends in the Time | 2013 - 2020