- Dichotomy, Sonneundsolche, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Our Bodies So Soft, Our Lives So Epic, Fait Gallery, curated by Laura Amann, Brno, Czech Republic.
- hot sand between the sandal and the foot, Zahorian Van Espen, in cooperation with theoretician Eva Skopalová, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2051: Algorithm (with Ondřej Basjuk), Regional Gallery Liberec Lázně, curated by Lenka Sýkorová, Liberec, Czech Republic.
- Hiystoery, Galerie 209, in cooperation with theoretician Anežka Bartlová, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Molo (with Aleš Zapletal), City Gallery Panský dvůr, Veselí nad Moravou, Czech Republic.
- Tympanic membrane, Berlínskej modej, with Viktor Čech, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Ground Water, Dole Gallery, curator: Tereza Záchová, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- View-Choreograph, Zahorian Van Espen Gallery, curator: Tereza Jindrová, Bratislava, Czech Republic.
- Tired (with Ondřej Basjuk), Garage Gallery, curator: Lenka Sýkorová, Zlín, Czech Republic.
- CNS (with Ondřej Basjuk), Kabinet T Gallery, curator: Lenka Sýkorová, Zlín, Czech Republic.
- Prism, GAVU Cheb / Gallery of Fine Arts in Cheb, curator: Radek Wohlmuth, Cheb, Czech Republic.
- View-Choreograph, ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN Gallery, curated by Tereza Jindrová, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Permapink, Jambor's House Gallery, curator: Tereza Jindrová, Tišnov, Czech Republic.
- Ötzi věci / Ötzi things (with Ondřej Basjuk), Chladnička Miry Gáberové / The Fridge, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Stardust, UKG Český Krumlov, curator: Radek Wohlmuth, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic.
- Survivorship Bias, Altán Klamovka, curator: Lenka Sýkorová, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Walzer 2 Spartito, Dorka Gallery, Domažlice, Czech Republic.
- Hovuduvudo (with Pavel Matyska), OFF/Format Gallery, curator: Petr Kovář, Brno, Czech Republic.
- The Sole Matter, Závod 01, curator: Petr Vaňous, Humpolec, Czech Republic.
- The SHAO Principle (with Ondřej Basjuk), Entrance Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- The Mountain of Light, KIN jídelna Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- I Can't See the Rocks Through the Mountains, I Can't See the Mountains Through the Rocks (with Štefan Papčo), Kostka Gallery, Meet Factory, curator: Petr Kovář, Prague, Czech Republic.
- ∞ C π té, Under The LIme Trees Café, Prague, Czech Republic.
- C (with Sáva Spirova), GAVU, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Collector's Scrutiny - Specific Relation to the Reality (with Ondřej Basjuk), OGV Jihlava, Jihlava, Czech Republic.
- Camera efferta (with Ondřej Basjuk), Artatak Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Exhibition for the Week of the Academy of Science of the Czech republic, Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Open Discussions, Guna Contemporary nomad gallery, Kastellorizo, Greece.
- Les Danses Nocturnes, Spread Museum, curated by eastcontemporary, Entrevaux, France.
- Human in a cave, Blansko City Gallery, curated by Milan Mikuláštík, Blansko, Czech Republic.
- Inspiration by the Kuchyňka, Bolfánek Park, curated by Helena Šmídová, Chudenice, Czech Republic.
- Antroporary, Galéria Jána Koniarka, curated by MIchal Stolárik, Trnava, Slovakia.
- Kostky, Dvorky Čáslav, Forman's Čáslav Festival, Klub Gumárna, curated by Michal Strach and Kamila Ženatá, Čáslav, Czech Republic.
- Involving Immersion, Kunsthalle/Hala umenia, curated by Katarina Balunova, Košice, Slovakia.
- Too Close To Far, Koudelová's exhibition project with seven guest artists, Prám, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Distant Nature, Fotograf Gallery, curated by Katarina Balunova, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Distant Nature, Knoll Gallery, curated by Katarína Balunova, Vienna, Austria.
- Distant Nature, DIG Gallery, Kulturpark, curated by Katarína Balunova, Košice, Slovakia.
- DIVOCe, NoD Gallery, curated by Pavel Kubesa, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Salon Tchécoslovaque, NTK (Gallery of National Technical Library), curated by Milan Mikuláštík, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Your delicious dreaming, Salon Goldschlag, curated by Nika Kupyrova, Vienna, Austria.
- 4+4 Days in Motion, 24th festival of contemporary art, curated by Milan Mikuláštík, Prague, Czech Republic.
- viennacontemporary, international art fair, represented by Zahorian Van Espen, Vienna, Austria.
- GIFC and Velvet Ropes, Golsa Gallery, Oslo, Norway.
- Volta Basel, international art fair, represented by Zahorian Van Espen, Basel, Switzerland.
- viennacontemporary, international art fair, represented by Zahorian Van Espen, Vienna, Austria.
- Ἀνάγκη /Ananké/, Holešovická šachta, curator: Eva Skopalová, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Not a day without a line, OGV JIhlava, curator: Lenka Sýkorová, Jihlava, Czech Republic.
- Event Horizon, DOX, curator: Milan Ohnisko, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Exposition, Letohrádek Ostrov nad Ohří Gallery, curator: Radek Wohlmuth, Ostrov nad Ohří, Czech Republic.
- Inventory, U Bílého Jednorožce Gallery, curator: Petra Mazáčová, Klatovy, Czech Republic.
- GKJ in Altán, Altán Klamovka, curators: Marie Vránová and Lenka Sýkorová, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Vanity Fair, Trade Fair Palace, National Gallery in Prague, curator: Otto M. Urban, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Peel, Meet Factory, curator: Viktor Čech, Prague, Czech Republic.
- The Hidden Language of Plants, Kinský palace - National Gallery in Prague, curator: Petra Polláková, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Merry Christmas II., Nau Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Planes Over the Chaos, Prague House in Brussels, curator: Milan Mikuláštík, Brussels, Belgium.
- In and under the Furnace, Bolt Tower, Ostrava - Vítkovice, Czech Republic.
- The First Exhibition, Prague City Gallery -The Gold Ring House, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Don't Forget, Sladovna Gallery, Žatec, Czech Republic.
- 8th Prize of Art Critique for Young Painting show, Gallery of Art Critics, Prague, Czech Republic.
- The Room for Petrbok, Pokoje, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Výtěr (VÝ+TER=VSZ), The Masaryk University Archive, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Gen 2:7-18, Karlin studios, curators: Eugenio Percossi and Caroline Crzyston, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Crystalization, Blansko City Gallery, curators: Radek Čák and Martin Fišr, Blansko, Czech Republic.
- Czech Graphics of the Last Two Decades, Studio Citadela, Prague, Czech Republic.
- "See!", Orlovna Gallery, Kroměříž, Czech Republic.
- Scale, GAVU, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Mama Litho, Jarda Mayer, Prague, Czech Republic.
- The Art Fair, Bohnice Laundry, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Into the Landscape, Jambor House, Tišnov, Czech Republic.
- Born 1987 in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
- Lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2015 - 2015
Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna , Vienna, Austria
Study Internship in Abstract Painting (Univ.-Prof. Mag. Erwin Bohatsch)
- 2014 - 2016
Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Master of Fine Arts in Painting (doc. Vladimír Skrepl and Jiří Kovanda and Jan Šerých)
- 2012 - 2014
Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Study Internship in Drawing (Jiří Petrbok and Petr Vaňous)
- 2010 - 2012
Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Study Internship in Graphics (prof. Vladimir Kokolia and Šárka Trčková)
- 2015
8th Prize of Art Critique for Young Painting, 3rd place
Gallery of Art Critics, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2013
final of the Věra Jirousová Award, category for young arts critics
Věra Jirousová Award, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2016
Egon Schiele Art Center Residency, Egon Schiele Art Center, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
- 2015
Smalt Art 2015, curator: Veronika Holcová, Smalt Art, Ostrava, Czech Republic
- private collections in the Czech republic, Slovakia, USA, Italy
- Pekelné saně collection, Czech Republic
- Klatovy - Klenová Gallery, Klatovy, Czech Republic
- Havrlant Art Collection, Czech Republic