Áron Kútvölgyi-Szabó

  • Hungary (b. 1985 in Budapest)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.
  • Deep Down in the Rabbit Hole - thumbnail The other side of the fourth wall - thumbnail Patterns of Counterknowledge - thumbnail [B/R]elief - thumbnail Gettier's cave - thumbnail Clustering illusions - thumbnail 4 Minutes Later from a Side-view - thumbnail Distortions - thumbnail Ignorances - thumbnail Mapping mindsets - thumbnail

    Exhibitions | 2014 - 2020


  • Counterfactual countercharts - thumbnail Curiouser and curiouser - thumbnail Wonderland without wonder - thumbnail Counterfactual counterimages - thumbnail Carnival of facts - thumbnail Facts & truths (from 3 different angles)  - thumbnail Layers of counterknowledge - thumbnail Flatiness - thumbnail Imaging (on a cognitive horizon)  - thumbnail Fake news alignment (in reflection)  - thumbnail Noises of information - thumbnail Selective sensitivity - thumbnail Randomness in constellation - thumbnail Phantom patterns - thumbnail

    Postfactual image theory | 2017 - 2020


  • Floating coordinate systems - thumbnail Incomprehensible terrain - thumbnail Fragmented grids - thumbnail Folded grid - thumbnail Settings - thumbnail In between grids - thumbnail Focused surface - thumbnail Invisible grids - thumbnail In between grids - thumbnail

    In between grids | 2016 - 2017


  • Examination of possibility - thumbnail Cases of uncertainty - thumbnail Distorting filters (installation) - thumbnail Distorting filters (shelf) - thumbnail 4 minutes later from a side-view - thumbnail Frontal worldview - thumbnail Decode - thumbnail Reconstruction attempt (digital) - thumbnail Reconstruction attempt (manual) - thumbnail Wall of words - thumbnail

    Doubtfulness of knowledge | 2014 - 2018


  • Unwashable - thumbnail A grey life - thumbnail Private coordinate systems - thumbnail Own fragments - thumbnail Spaces of habitation - thumbnail

    Handling memories | 2014 - 2016


  • Unfold - thumbnail Mine, Yours, Theirs - thumbnail Inner structures - thumbnail Anatomy of a discourse (dynamic) - thumbnail Anatomy of a discourse (static) - thumbnail Phase III. - thumbnail Phase II. - thumbnail Phase I. - thumbnail

    Mental constructions | 2012 - 2015
