Ádám Dóra

  • Hungary (b. 1993 in Vác)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.
Natura architektura XVI.

Natura architektura XVI.

  • 2019
  • Oil, Acrylic on Canvas
  • 100 x 120 cm

  • Natura 20architektura 20xvi. 20olaj  20akril  20v c3 a1szon  20100x120 20cm  202019 20(6)
  • Img 8679
  • Img 8685
  • Img 8683
  • Img 8686
  • Img 8681
  • Brown shadows - thumbnail Natura architektura XVI. - thumbnail Breakwaters in Nice X. - thumbnail Breakwaters in Nice VI. - thumbnail Breakwaters in Nice VII. - thumbnail Breakwaters in Nice IV. - thumbnail Perfect Spot - thumbnail Breakwaters in Nice II. - thumbnail Breakwaters in Nice III. - thumbnail  Breakwaters in Nice I. - thumbnail Côte d'Azur Beach - thumbnail Breakwaters in Nice VII. - thumbnail

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    Breakwaters | 2018 - 2020

The main subject of the series is the view of the breakwaters located in the harbor of Nice. These shapes, standing like strangers in the landscape contain several meanings: they construct a border between earth-based and water-based wildlife. Acting as an artificial coral reef they provide protection. Their particular architectural aesthetic - their brutality - appears as a massive and aggressive force in the idyll of the French Riviera. ​The imperfections created by the masking tape are visually similar to the rough edges of the concrete structures produced by the molds. The desire of people to create artificially something perfect always carries some hidden defect, which makes us unable to override the natural order of the world. ​This is how different elements meet in the paintings: water and sky with concrete, wide with narrow spaces, the infinite with the restricted surface of the canvas.