Flóra Kőszeghy

  • Hungary (b. 1980 in Debrecen)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.




  • 2019
  • Carbidic I. - thumbnail PuttoIX - thumbnail Putto XXL - thumbnail PuttoX - thumbnail Carbidic II. - thumbnail Visualisation - thumbnail Visualisation - thumbnail Putto XXL  - thumbnail Letter of intent - thumbnail

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    Leopold Bloom 2019 | 2018 - 2019

Totem levitation Scupltures have special meanings coming from cultural past and subconcious basics. Defining new totems is impossible, their layered reality only becomes valid with time. Still, in my personal approach I show my own special narratives for sculptures, that are planar and spatial at the same time. They intend to look for those , who understand the confused view angles of our times. A sign without a meaning, only the visual key, that is universal.