Flóra Kőszeghy

  • Hungary (b. 1980 in Debrecen)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.


Carbuvar III.

Carbuvar III.

  • 2016
  • Oil on Canvas
  • 200 x 110 cm
  • Carbuvar I. - thumbnail Oilframe - thumbnail Carbuvar III. - thumbnail Headshot - thumbnail Carbuvar II. - thumbnail

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    Vivant | 2016

The moment, when an object becomes alive is worth painting. Our mind happens to give soul to anything. It depends on us, foremost on our will. The enlarged details of these phisical non-beings make the viewer activated in the process. Not only by the effort to recognise the seen picture, but in the feeling that the scale is changed. Zooming in and out in the mind, looking for the evidence, that all this is true. It has to be true.