Patrik Kriššák

  • Slovakia (b. 1986 in Kežmarok)
  • Currently in Prague, Czech Republic.


X. from the serie of colors and shapes

X. from the serie of colors and shapes

  • 2016
  • Oil on Paper, Wood
  • made by my self made technique of painting - painted with a bottle of oil color on paper baked on wood.
  • 30 x 40 cm
  • instalation view - thumbnail I. from the sierie of colors and shapes - thumbnail II. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail III. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail IV. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail V. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail VI. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail VII. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail VIII. from the serie colors and shapes - thumbnail IX. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail X. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail XI. from the serie of colors and shapes - thumbnail

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    Colors and Shapes | 2016 - 2017

Series of 11 image shown colored shapes, created on the basis of mental automatism author's technique of painting with bottles. Each resulting shape is reasonably imputed specific color and influence independently on the viewer. In interpreting this epistemological study the viewer, for example, can see on comparisons between similar shapes No.7 and No.8, where we can see a mirror image of semi-circular colored (colored opposition). All of them are made entirely as one serie. Séria 11 obrazov zobrazenuje farebné tvary, vytvorené na základe psychického automatizmu autorskou technikou maľby fľašami. Každý výsledný tvar má racionálne prisúdenú konkrétnu farbu a pôsobí samostatne na diváka. Pri interpretácii tejto epistemologickej štúdii sa môže divák oprieť napríklad o porovnanie podobných tvarov č.7 a č.8, kde môžme vidieť zrkadlovo obrátený farebný tvar polkružnice (farebný opozit). Zmenu farby som priradil, vďaka odlišnej pozícii tvaru vo farebnom priestore.