Patrik Kriššák

  • Slovakia (b. 1986 in Kežmarok)
  • Currently in Prague, Czech Republic.



I was (for sure) studying history of arts and I started with art of, where was many revolutionary masters whom change the meaning about contemporary art in those times. That‘s inspired me for looking for a new forms in visual art and to be patient when I take way to the dead end.

With this thoughts I made newly some kind of other technique of painting.
The Bottle painting is a working title for my self-made technique of painting, which means that I use glass bottle as a brush.
I mix colours in a bottle with medium and then when the consistence is good for painting, I put it uside down on canvas. The bottle moved on canvas makes an exact stroke. With this type of painting one can’t make much details, that’s why the paintings are very simple and effective in colour. The attempt to reproduce reality is therefore very stylized and almost looking like abstract composition. The possibilities of painting are limited and that is what intrerrests me. In cultural history I can compare this technique to minimalism or action painting, I founded the similiar visual style in work of many artist for example early works of Piere  Soulage, whatever, everything what we do is mix of forms of art of 20cent.

There is one sentence from Sol Lewitt, which I used when I found somethig new in my art experience: ,, Irrational thoughts should be followed absolutely and logically.”

I am enjoying it at all.


  • Galerie OFF/FORMA/T 2011-2014, katalóg, ISBN 978-80-904271-7-4
  • 7.Zlínský salon mladých 2015, katalóg k výstavě, ISBN 978-80-87926-07-9
  • KUKAČKA 5 - INTERVENCE, INSTALACE, INFILTRACE 2014, katalóg, ISBN 978-80-7464682-9
  • PATRIK KRIŠŠÁK - WE/OUI 2012, katalóg k výstave v GVU Ostrava, ISBN 978-80-87405-17-8