Tomáš Klepoch

  • Slovakia (b. 1981 in Bratislava)
  • Currently in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Visual artist, graphic artist and illustrator. The basis of his artistic creations is figural drawing used in free graphics (linocut, woodcut, monotype), illustrations as well as in his monumental realizations.



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    Coquette with pitch and delicious collapse | 2012

Installation, black pitch (bands) on the walls, 700x500cm This work arises from high- and late-baroque frescoes. The principle of opening the motives upwards the skies is inverted here to the process of downfall. The drawing expression is sinking beneath the original matter. It expresses the circle of events: after a great “tuck-in” comes a huge crisis. Just like in the end of the baroque and rococco times which fell into the Nazism of the modern times: classicism, Napoleon, French Revolution. I was concerned about the very moment “before”: the drop just before falling down… (SK) Technika: smolová krytina (smolové pásy) na stene. Rozmery cca: 700x500cm, Inštalácia. Východisko tejto práce je v barokových a neskorobarokových stropných maľbách. Princíp otvárania sa motívov do neba je tu obrátený na prepadávanie sa. Kresebná výpoveď zaniká do v pôvodnej matérii. Naznačuje kolobeh diania: po veľkej žranici prichádza veľká kríza. Tak, ako sa koniec barokových - rokokových časov pretavil do nacizmu novoveku - klasicizmus, Napoleon, Veľká francúzska revolúcia. Mojím záujmom bol práve moment "presne pred”: kvapka tesne pred pádom…