Ján  Gašparovič

  • Slovakia (b. 1981 in Žilina)
  • Currently in Prague, Czech Republic.


  • 2012
  • metal staircase, microphones, speakers, amplifiers.

  • Open system that allows observes to participate in generating sounds, rush and noise through the existing metal staircase. Formal installation consists of electronics, vibrating speakers and microphones that create each other feedback.
  • Untitled - thumbnail

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    Untitled | 2012

Open system that allows observes to participate in generating sounds, rush and noise through the existing metal staircase. The sound is more broadly any yet vibrant phenomenon, producing auditory sensations. Formal installation consists of electronics, vibrating speakers and microphones that create each other feedback. Sound vibrations / perpetuum mobile / activate the observer by entering the staircase and then his activity vibrates whole construction throughout.