Tomáš Klepoch

  • Slovakia (b. 1981 in Bratislava)
  • Currently in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Visual artist, graphic artist and illustrator. The basis of his artistic creations is figural drawing used in free graphics (linocut, woodcut, monotype), illustrations as well as in his monumental realizations.



In Saecula Saeculorum

In Saecula Saeculorum

  • 2011
  • Linocut
  • 195 x 145 cm
  • Piscis a Capite Foetet - thumbnail Plaudite Cives Acta Est Fabula - thumbnail Bela Res Est Mori Sua Mori - thumbnail In Saecula Saeculorum - thumbnail

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    Antropomorphy (Antropomorfie) | 2011

Diploma work, series of large scale linocuts on paper. In this project the author was working with local collective memory connected to the notorious show cases from Slovak national museum. Their traditional content is corrupted in some kind of big cleaning, depicting specific human conditions and situations described in latin proverbs and impersonated by animals The work was also showed in public space of Bratislava in the form of posters. The cycle also contained author’s Zine. (SK) Diplomová práca, 2011, veľkorozmerný linoryt. Autor v projekte pracoval s lokálnou pamäťou, kde sa tisíckrát videné vitríny starej expozície SNM vryté v hlavách návštevníkov odrazu narúšajú akýmsi veľkým upratovaním. Dielo bolo zároveň inštalované v uliciach na presne vytipovaných miestach, kde sa rozširoval dialóg diela. V rámci cyklu vznikol aj autorský Zine.