Svetlana Fialova

  • Slovakia (b. 1985 in Kosice)
  • Currently in Kosice, Slovakia.
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    A nejak nemám slinu / Writers' block (Mural, Nástupište 1-12, Topoľčany) | 2015

Z knihy - budovy vyliezajú na stenu topoľčianskeho podchodu postavy ľudí, alebo časti ich tiel, utekajúcich preč z malomestského prostredia. Z mesta s typickou stanicou s vysychajúcimi kvetmi v črepníkoch na stanici, pomedzi ktorých rednúce konáre a hnednúce listy zazerajú žijúce mŕtvoly. Nad postavami obyvateľov mesta, ktorí zostali a ktorí svoj deň napĺňajú študovaním letákov so zľavami v niektorej z miestnych diskontných predajní, či bezstarostným povaľovaním sa na kúpalisku na okraji mesta, levituje ezoterička. Tá svoju túžbu po kultúre a umení v malom meste kompenzuje útekom k ezoterike./// I spent a week in Topoľčany and made this mural in the underpass of the town's bus station. I tried to capture a typical small town atmosphere using the elements and local stories I came across during my stay. Inspired by the dominant building in the town centre - the bookshop called 'The Book' - there are people and their body parts leaving 'The Book' and slowly fleeing away from the small town environment. Some residents spend their days studying flyers with discounts, while others chill at the swimming pool on the outskirts of the town. A meditating female figure levitates above their heads, trying to compensate her desire for culture and arts with an esoteric escape.