Eri Kassnel

  • Romania (b. 1973 in Timişoara)
  • Currently in (near) Augsburg, Germany.
  • Eri Kassnel (Erika Kassnel-Henneberg) is a conceptual and media artist. At the center of her interest is the question of the influence of new technologies on perceived reality. Who do we want to be ?

home is somewhere else

  • 2013
  • Photography, photo album, different papers 34 x 21 x 6 cm Mittelschwäbisches Heimatmuseum Krumbach Art Prize of the town of Krumbach

  • The piece focuses on an obsessive search for a place of identification and belonging. I describe it as a long car ride without arrival because every apparent arrival makes you painfully aware, that homeland isn’t where you searched for it.
  • Old Woman - thumbnail black scarf - thumbnail home is somewhere else - thumbnail below the surface - thumbnail Mothers and Sons - thumbnail letters from Utopia - thumbnail

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    Art Works 2012 - 2022 | 2012 - 2017