Eri Kassnel

  • Romania (b. 1973 in Timişoara)
  • Currently in (near) Augsburg, Germany.
  • Eri Kassnel is a concept and video artist with Romanian roots. In her works, she examines the process of remembering and questions identity as an artificial construct between reality and fiction.

home is somewhere else

  • 2013
  • Photography, photo album, different papers 34 x 21 x 6 cm Mittelschwäbisches Heimatmuseum Krumbach Art Prize of the town of Krumbach

  • The piece focuses on an obsessive search for a place of identification and belonging. I describe it as a long car ride without arrival because every apparent arrival makes you painfully aware, that homeland isn’t where you searched for it.
  • Old Woman - thumbnail black scarf - thumbnail home is somewhere else - thumbnail below the surface - thumbnail Mothers and Sons - thumbnail letters from Utopia - thumbnail

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    Art Works 2012 - 2022 | 2012 - 2017