Gasper Kunsic

  • Slovenia (b. 1992 in Kranj)
  • Currently in Vienna, Austria.


  • 2015
  • 3 min

  • Performance is described in series description.

  • 250615 khaus angewandte 0295
  • 250615 khaus angewandte 0292
  • 250615 khaus angewandte 0305
  • LATE FOR LIFE - thumbnail LIFE IS AMAZING - thumbnail

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Performances are part of the LOST IN THE WOODS project. _______________________________________________________________________ In the performance LATE FOR LIFE I personify a charachter or a magical being- a gnome with a simple costume – a red hat. I look at my watch and I am terryfied of how late I am. I frightendly gasp for air and start to run in cirles. On every couple of rounds I look at my watch again and I am always terryfied and continue running. After three minutes, the light goes of and I stop with the performance. _______________________________________________________________________ In the performance LIFE IS AMAZING i talk with a clay figurine of a gnome. We are sitting side by side as we were on a picnic. There is a obvious resemblance between me, the charachter of a gnome and a figurine, we both have a red hat and a green shirt. On a blanket between us are two cans of an energy drink, bottles of alcohol and boxes of pills, antibiotics. The text I am reciting is: »IT'S SUCH A WONDERFUL DAY. I FEEL AMAZING. LIFE IS AMAZING. DON'T YOU THINK SO? OH, I'M SO HAPPY THAT I FOUND YOU. THANKYOU FOR BEING A TRUE FRIED. DONT YOU LIKE THAT VIEW? IT'S AMAZING. SUN IS SHINING, BIRDS ARE SINGING WE'VE GOT SOMETHING TO EAT, WE'VE GOT SOMETHING TO DRINK. WHY WOULD ANYONE WISH FOR MORE. CHEERS. TO LIFE.« I take an energy dink, drink a toast, take a couple of pills and wash it down with the alcohol (The pills and the fluids are used simbolicly.) Then I continue with the text and the act, until the three minutes are over and the light goes out.