Judit Navratil

  • Hungary (b. 1982 in Szombathely)
  • Currently in San Francisco, United States.
  • Judit’s practice is multivalent, engaging performance, social practices, drawing, as well as video and VR; investigating the possibilities and dangers of ‘home’ in cyberspace. Judit is a Long Distance Somersaulter (LDS), seeking for higher alternatives.


saliva factory plantation

saliva factory plantation

  • 2011
  • Ink on Wood
  • 60 x 60 cm
  • tearfactory - thumbnail factory worker - thumbnail last minute - thumbnail days and nights in foxconn - thumbnail manpower - thumbnail cantine - thumbnail saliva factory plantation - thumbnail buckyballs forever - thumbnail yogifactory - thumbnail waiting for teyu - thumbnail The Chosen Sperm - thumbnail cravings - thumbnail aversions - thumbnail yogafactory - thumbnail

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    factories | 2009 - 2014

‘tearfactories’ can transform sad tears into a healthy watersource of happiness. each painting is a zoom-in detail of another