Monika Hurnanska Stacho

  • Slovakia (b. 1977 in Spisska nova ves)
  • Currently in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • I was born in Czechoslovakia in 1977,as fifth child of my parents. My parents never been in KSČ, so my brothers and sister were very hard to start to study at any university in Slovakia. Finally, thank God, after the velvet revolution, it managed 4 of us.
Journey to the past / Cesta do minulosti 2012

Journey to the past / Cesta do minulosti 2012

  • 2012
  • Analogue Photograph, Digital Photograph
  • 75 x 50 cm

  • The only thing I have left after my grandmother, except of genetic predispositions and some visual similarities, is her clothes.My children are dressed in traditional family costume and I am in my mother´s wedding dress and in my grandmother´s dark dress.

  • M.stacho identita 20sken 04
  • Img 4865
  • M.stacho identita 20sken 05
  • M.stacho k 20pohladniciam 01
  • Journey to the past / Cesta do minulosti 2012 - thumbnail

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    Journey to the past / Cesta do minulosti 2012 | 2012

Jediná vec, ktorá mi ostala po starej mame, okrem genetických preddispozícií a určitej miery podoby, je jej oblečenie. Klasický dedinský odev (kydle, šurc, ľajblik, hustka, čižmy so sárami) dnes ojedinele vidieť na vidieku, bezprecedentne sa však vytráca z našich životov a súčasná móda ignoruje akúkoľvek šancu na použitie jeho tvaru, farby či ornamentu. Pritom to bol jedinečný odev, ktorý sa formoval niekoľko storočí, mal mnoho podôb a regionálnych špecifík, vznikal za práce ľudských rúk, umu a prírodných daností. V projekte Cesta do minulosti sa v jednom fotografickom obraze stretáva minulosť s prítomnosťou, za pomoci dobových pohľadníc a týchto starodávnych rodinných šiat. Moje deti sú oblečené v rodinnom kroji zo 70-tych rokov pred rekonštrukciou mestskej plavárne na Kunsthalle, ja som oblečená v svadobných šatách (1968) mojej mamy pred Dómom sv. Alžbety alebo v kydľoch po starej mame imitujem dobovú portrétnu fotografiu. Odetá v týchto šatách, sa cítim ako človek, ktorý už všetko pozná a vie.__________________________________________ The only thing I have left after my grandmother, except of genetic predispositions and some visual similarities, is her clothes. Typical and traditional countryside clothes (traditional layered skirts, short stitched vests, apron, scarf, traditional boots) we can very rarely see even in the countryside and is slowly disappearing completely from our lives. Modern fashion ignores any chance of use of its shape, pattern, colour or ornaments. It was really unique garment formed over the centuries. It had many versions and regional specifics; and was hand-made with a sense and based on natural conditions of regions. In the project Journey to the past we can see in one picture meeting of the past and a presence with a help of old postcards and those old-fashioned family garments. My children are dressed in traditional family costume from 70-ties in front of council swimming pool in Kunsthalle. I am dressed in my mother wedding dress (from 1968) in front of Dome of St. Elisabeth and in layered skirts after my grandmother I imitate historical portrait photo. Dressed in those clothes I feel as a person who already knows everything. Monika Stacho