Martin Špirec

  • Slovakia (b. 1980 in Čadca)
  • Currently in Bratislava, Slovakia.


Pleso 1967, Lake 1967

Pleso 1967, Lake 1967

  • 2015
  • digitálna tlač, 200x30cm, digital print, 200x30cm
  • Pleso 1967, Lake 1967 - thumbnail

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    Pleso 1967, Lake 1967 | 2015

Fotografiu horiaceho domu na Štrbskom plese reálne nasnímali v roku 1967 pri nakrúcaní filmu Náčelník Veľký Had, réžia Richard Groschopp. Za fotografiou stojí môj osobný príbeh o nejasnej spomienke na horiaci dom na Štrbskom plese. Nevedel som, či je to reálna spomienka z detstva alebo som si to vymyslel. Pomocou krátkeho pátrania a spomienok herca, ktorý v tomto filme hral, som záber z filmu skutočne našiel.---------------The photograph of the burning house in Štrbské Pleso was taken in real in 1967 during the making of the film The Great Snake Chief, directed by Richard Groschopp. This photograph is connected to my personal story about a blurry memory of a burning house in Štrbské Pleso. I did not know whether this was a real memory of my childhood or whether I made it up. With the help of a brief search and the memories of an actor who appeared in this film, I was indeed able to find a screen shot from it.