Ján Šipöcz

  • Slovakia (b. 1983 in Bratislava)
  • Currently in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • artist working in medium of photography / viac na / more on


  • Photoportgallery
  • Rovniankova 4
  • Bratislava, Slovakia


  • 2014
  • Analogue Photograph, Slideshow, edition of 1
  • hand drawn slides, 80 pcs, original
  • 24x36mm slides

  • more pictures and texts about my works on web site

  • Sipocz last 20minute86
  • Sipocz last 20minute14
  • Sipocz last 20minute35
  • Last minute - thumbnail Last minute - thumbnail LAST MINUTE - thumbnail

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    LAST MINUTE | 2014

Zbierka diapozitívov skupovaných na aukciách. V aukciách kde som prihadzoval iba ja, na poslednú chvíľu. Cudzie postavy, cudzie miesta, cuzdý pohľad, zašlý čas. Všetko zachytené vo formáte 24x36mm na priehľadnom filme. Exkurzie, výlety, dovolenky, služobné cesty, prázdniny, aj vedecké expedície. Pri týchto cudzích "výletoch" sa nechávam voľne vtiahnuť do deja a ten následne prepracujem podla seba. Niečo pridám, uberiem a tým zvýrazním to ostatné, navrstvým alebo odstránim. Dalšia zo sérií kde využívam médium fotografie na cestovanie v čase a priestore. S jej pomocou sa dostávam do deja. Deja, ktorý prežili iný, ale dnes je v mojich rukách. Vznikla tak obrazová skladba 80 diapozitívov. Premietanie fotografií z dovoleniek, ktoré neuspí žiadnu tetičku. --------------------------- Collection of slides bought in online auctions where I was the only bidder, bidding at the last possible moment. Unknown people, strange towns, someone else’s point of view and bygone times. Everything is captured on 24x36mm frames of positive film. Excursions, trips, vacations, business trips, holidays, even scientific expeditions. First of all I casually slip into the “trips” of others, into their stories and only then I transform them according to my train of thought. Something is added, something is taken away and thereby all the rest is brought into focus, layered or disposed of. This is one of my series where I use photography to travel in time and space. It makes me part of the story, a story lived by someone else, but that is now in my hands. The collection already counts 80 slides. Looking at vacation photographs like these won’t bore anyone to tears.