Martin Špirec

  • Slovakia (b. 1980 in Čadca)
  • Currently in Bratislava, Slovakia.


Kompozícia s mamutom I,II, Composition with Mammoth I, II

  • 2013
  • Kompozícia s mamutom I, Composition with Mammoth I, video, 00:06:57min., Kompozícia s mamutom II, Composition with Mammoth II, video, 00:09:09min.

  • 475609880 200x150
  • 475757044 200x150
  • Kompozícia s mamutom I,II, Composition with Mammoth I, II - thumbnail

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    Composition with Mammoth I, II | 2013

Video Kompozícia s mamutom I, patrí do skupiny diel vytvorených v období kedy som pracoval v múzeu v Bratislave, kde sarekonštruovali inštalácie a jednotlivé artefakty expozícií. Ide o autorské etudy, “videoštúdie” vzťahu a súvislostí medzi dnešným človekom a našej vzdialenej minulosti s odkazmi na evolučné teórie, častokrát poňaté v typicky ironickom duchu, a ich relevantnosti pre súčasný a budúci vývoj ľudskej spoločnosti.-------------Videos Composition with Mammoth I, II belong to pieces created during work in a museum in Bratislava, where he reconstructed and built installations and particular artifacts of expositions. The videos are artist`s own “video studies”, contemplations on a relationship between a contemporary man and our remote past with references to evolution theories – often handled in ironic way typical for the artist– and their relevance for a current and future development of human society.