Špircova inštalácia bola vtedy punková, odfláknutá a zároveň totálne prepracovaná. Všetky tie veci boli detinské prkotiny. No len z množstva a rozsahu vecí bolo jasné, že to Špirec berie vážne.Všetky jeho práce, čo som odvtedy videla, boli dobré, Špirec toho vyprodukoval veľa a všetko na rovnako vysokej úrovni. Jedno dielo ma však obzvlášť zasiahlo. Boli to dva biele vyčistené kvádre, akési galerijné sokle opreté o stenu a mierne odsunuté jeden od druhého. Na nich nič, len nad tým širším vodovodný kohútik na stene. Až pohľad do medzery medzi nimi jasne odhalili, o čo sa jedná, presné rozmery kvádrov a kohútik už len potvrdili pôvod. Prilepené uschnuté špagety, nechutné fľaky po rajčinovej omáčke, neutretý prach a olej zdôraznili známu slabinu každej domácnosti, priestor medzi kuchynskou linkou a rúrou na pečenie. To už je však dávno a odvtedy Špirec samozrejme zmenil témy. Sci-fi, zateplené kostoly, automobily z hubiek na riad a kuchynské zátišia vystriedal pravek, autorova sebeštylizácia do postavy Australopithéca, mamuty a dinosaury. Princípy jeho tvorby však zostali rovnaké. Lacná DIY estetika, privlastnené objekty a situácie, rýchle, neskutočne vtipné nápady a sebeirónia. Odporúčam si podrobne pozrieť jeho stránku, zabavíte sa. Výstava v Plusmínusnula nie je v tvorbe Martina Špirca výnimkou, je rovnako dobrá, ak nie ešte lepšia. Kusy z hard disku sú sériou objektov, kde sa banalita a low-cost DIY estetika mieša s vysokým umením. Sú to bezočivé a nahlúple procesuálne inštalácie, ktorých výroba však trvala niekoľko rokov. Kusy z hard disku sú odložené diela, ktoré Martin Špirec zamýšľal realizovať alebo ich má hotové už niekoľko rokov, no nikdy ich nevystavil. Nebudem sa púšťať do interpretácie ich hlbokého významu ani do faktického opisu. Neverím totiž, že jedno či druhé má význam, musíte to vidieť. text: Katarína Gatialová ---------------Špirec‘s installation was very punk and reckless, but at the same time very refi ned and well-thought. All of his pieces were childish, but considering the amount of those works, it was clear that Špirec wass taking them seriously.All of his works I had seen thus far were good, Špirec produced a lot and everything was top-level. One of his pieces really got to me, though – it was two white blocks, not unlike the basic gallery plinths, leaning against the wall and slightly apart from each other. While there was nothing places on them, there was a faucet on the wall over them. Only when I looked in the space between was it clear what the piece was about, the exact dimensions and the faucet simply affi rmed my hypothesis. Dry spaghetti that got stuck to the walls of the blocks, disgusting pomodoro stains, unwiped dust, and oil pointed at the idea of one of the weakest spots of everyone‘s home – the space between the sideboard and the stove. That was long ago and since then, Špirec has naturally moved on to other topics. Sci-fi , styrofoam insulated churches, automobiles made of sponges, and kitchenrelated still lifes were replaced by the author‘s self-stylization into the character of an Australopithecus, mammoths, and dinosaurs. Despite that, the basics of his work are still the same: cheap DIY aesthetics, appropriated objects and situations, smart and humorous ideas, and self-irony. I recommend you take a look at his website, you‘ll be entertained. The Plusmínusnula show is not an exception in Martin Špirec‘s production; it is just as good, if not better. Hard Disk Pieces are a series of objects in which banality and low-cost DIY meets high art. These processual installations might be bold and slightly stupid, but their creation took many years. Hard Disk Pieces were made or meant to be made years ago, but they were never exhibited. I won‘t get into their deep interpretation or mere description full of facts. I don‘t believe either makes sense. You have to see the works.text: Katarína Gatialová