Tsuyoshi Anzai

  • Japan (b. 1987 in Tokyo)
  • Currently in Saitama, Japan.
  • Tsuyoshi Anzai is a Kinetic art and video artist in Japan. He holds a bachelor of music and a master of film and new media from Tokyo National University of the Arts.
Leaving my machines with machine-sitters

Leaving my machines with machine-sitters

  • 2013
  • Motors, Daily commodities, Tapes, PC, Drawing, etc

  • In this work, I tried to involve audiences in the process of changing the situation of the installation work. The audiences would receive my instructions how to fix the machines through video chat.

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  •  sam3755 edit
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  • 0
  • Encouter with Doppelgänger - thumbnail platonic machines - thumbnail Leaving my machines with machine-sitters - thumbnail Sweet Dreams - thumbnail Useful Days - thumbnail Somewhere in the Ballpark - thumbnail Strangers In the Attic - thumbnail “Thanks, factory.” no.1 coke - thumbnail “Thanks, factory.” no.2 salad - thumbnail

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    Installation | 2008 - 2014