Judit Kis

  • Hungary (b. 2000)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.
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video still

  • 2020

  • the video is part of a multi channel installation. In each videos I perform fictional exercises that I developed to observe the impacts of movements in order.
  • video installation - thumbnail video still - thumbnail installation view - thumbnail video still - thumbnail

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    against NUMB | 2019 - 2020

My current topics are healing, self-care and contemporary rituals. I aim to explore alternative healing methods in different cultures that are less known or integrated. I would like to see the effects of these inherited traditions in our contemporary society, where technology rules our life but we seek to experience things that can help us to connect to our own body and mind. I research practices in the fields of psychology, religion and anthropology, but I also source inspiration from online videos and other communities. I am interested in what is accessible for everyday people who are desperate for help. I think experiencing artworks which deal with these topics can be very powerful in ways of transforming our beliefs. We should be reminded that we hold power over our life and we aren’t excluded from society when dealing with mental problems or other seemingly incurable conditions. ‘Numb is a sensory experience often created by the stop of blood flow and circulation in our body, I found this deprivation of responsiveness a great metaphor when I examined thoughts and emotions that leave us unable to function. As I perceive what make us numb in our society are rather the problems in our personal connections and family issues than existential difficulties. There are hundreds of decisions that we make between life and death on a daily basis without being aware of it. And we don’t know how to cope with fear and anxiety in the same way, we don’t know how to treat people struggling with scattered thoughts. Art has a healing power and I am interested in why we seek experiences through art and how we can connect to our own feelings and those of others on a deeper level.’