Ryo Yamauchi

  • Japan (b. 1985)
  • Currently in Australia.
  • After spending many nights in the remote wilderness I came to believe in the benefits of nurturing one’s personal connection with nature. My aim is to create an empowering and inspiring experience from nature and deliver a piece of wilderness to you.


Traveling through vast wilderness has shaped the landscape inside me. Carrying this inner wilderness has enriched my life. Nurturing one’s inner landscape is valuable and almost indispensable for personal development and wellness. My interest lies in our cognition of time and space; through photography and visual art I explore how we embrace and interact with the world. By working with multiple cognitive systems I create nontraditional sensory experiences that deepen our relation to the external environment and inner senses. 


Ryo is a Japanese-born Australia-based landscape photographer and visual artist. Much influenced and inspired by her early interests in semiotics and cognitive science, throughout her life she was always fascinated with how external landscape forms one's inner perspectives and personality. Her artworks using ideas from multi-sensory systems are based on her passion in pursuing knowledge and understanding in human mind and consciousness.