Rose MaGee

  • United Kingdom (b. 1990)
  • Currently in berlin, Germany.



Rose Magee is a British artist currently residing in the bustling city of Berlin. Her work is reminiscent of the essence of artistic movements of the early 20th century, The artist’s exploration of her own vision is a dominant component of her works. Her art detaches itself from naturalistic representation and explores emotion and state of mind, often analyzing and simplifying observed reality rendering an expressive truth of the spiritual order. The nature of her artistic illustrations is characterized by a dynamic expressiveness conveyed by use of contrast, dramatic lighting and use of bold colours, rendering a vigorous intuitive emotion of wholeness. The simple composition of most paintings and instinctive geometric structures often provide multiple layers of varying depths that bear a shifting to one another, expressing a forceful articulacy in their manner of combination. The brushstrokes tend to be controlled and repeated, giving the work a sense of gentle flow and continuity. The subject matters of the paintings vary and are generally inspired by a glimpse, the stolen intimate moment between couples or the way a streetlight reflects on a tree. Avoiding overstimulation is a fundamental trait of her work, achieved by the employment of monochrome backgrounds, reduced colour palette, lines and detail. Her art manages to capture the ambience of the experience for the viewer to behold. The objective is not to produce a direct translation of reality to the canvas but rather a pure impression of it ready for interpretation.