Olivia Yu

  • Hong Kong (b. 1991 in Hong kong)
  • Currently in London, United Kingdom.



Behind each of these paintings is the story of a recurring nightmare. It is a collection of personal dreams, as well as the dreams of people who suffer from various sleep disorders. The accumulation of these unique experiences have led me to gain a deeper understanding of creative perspectives during various dream states, which I have attempted to unravel and portray through my paintings. Surrounding the investigations of the imaginative possibilities, ‘physical’ capability, as well as the mentality of this dream experience, I aim to influence all dreamers to approach fears in the perspective of art as therapy. By harnessing the ability to control dreams during the state of lucid dreaming, I wish to share and express this imaginative power onto the canvas; the power to turn a frightful dream experience into one filled with hope and fantasy.


Olivia Yu is an abstract painter in her final year of Central Saint Martins’ BA Fine Art. She believes that mimicking the most down to earth beauty in art is to free the natural behaviour of her painting materials while creating the most spontaneous yet lively fluid forms. Colours become sentimental or delicious, telling stories like a maze for the eyes to see, through dynamic abstracts created within her paintings.