Mattia Ilic

  • Netherlands (b. 1988 in Alkmaar)
  • Currently in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • A 28 year old, Self-taught Dutch-Croatian illustrator/painter/graphic designer living in Amsterdam, with a love for animals & plants.


In an interview Dalí once said that every person can only paint or otherwise express their own cosmogony. That's what I'm doing, my work, my point of view, my visions, forever changing. 

My hope is to leave the world with something substantial in whatever form I end up using. 


Mattia Ilić is a painter, an illustrator and a graphical artist from Oudorp, a village in The Netherlands. Born on the 12th of June 1988, he started drawing and working with photo-manipulation software in his early teens. At the age of 20 he started painting and this got such a hold on him that it replaced drawing as his primary means of expression. Later when he lacked the room to do the paintings he wanted to do, drawing took over again. This resulted in elaborate works as 'The Demise of the Phoenix' (2014) consisting of 59 connecting A4 pages and 'The Human Condition' which is still a work in progress and is set to be 81 pages in total at the end.