Martin Balaz

  • Slovakia (b. 1979)
  • My life view and motivation to work as artist formulate Dostoyevski in his sentence: “Every one is really responsible to all men for all men and for everything."



V istom momente som dospel k presvedčeniu, že podstatné je, aby mala fotografia zmysel. Ak ho nemá, potom aj kvalitná, či víťazna fotografia je nezmyselná.

Pri niektorých témach zažívam intenzívny pocit, že som len "hovorca", že téma bola mimo mňa, žila si svojim ustarosteným, alebo radostným životom a ja som sa len zhodou okolností ocitol v prvom rade so záujmom až potom s fotoaparátom.

Pri dokumentárnej fotografii mi ide v predovšetkým o jej obsah. Forma je na druhom mieste. Nie je pre mňa až tak podstatná. Nie je mojim cieľom byť dalsím autorom, ktorí tvorí trend fotografiu. Myslím, že je dôležite hľadať moment, výpoveď o živote človeka – ľudí, a nie glamur scénu života, ktorý je možno drsný. Drsnosť je drsnosť, krása je krása. Pravda je pravda, klamstvo je klamstvo.

Vyjadriť sa iba dobrou fotografiou mi nestačí. Dokumentárnu a žurnalistickú fotografiu, ktorou sa obyčajne poukazuje na sociálne či environmentálne problémy vo svete „posúvam“ na druhé miesto. Podstatným je či sa podarí vytvoriť artworks, ktoré budú pôsobiace nie len ako umelecký objekt, ale bude mať aj osvetový charakter. Niekedy fotografiu vnímam už len ako popis diela.



At one moment I have formed a strong impression that it is important that a photograph have a message.

Otherwise, even a good quality photograph or winning photograph is pointless.

In some topics I feel very intensively that I am just a "speaker" and the topic had only passed by myself. The topic was living its own troubled or joyful life, and I approached it first with my interest and afterwards with my camera only by chance.

In documentary photography I specifically focus on its content. Form is just of secondary importance for me.

It is not so significant for me. I believe it is essential to look for the moment, testimony on life of an individual - persons. Harshness is harshness, whereas beauty is beauty. Truth is truth, misleading is misleading.

I am glad when I can develop photos that correspond to my viewpoints.

My life view and motivation to work formulate Dostojevsky in sentence: “Every one is really responsible to all men for all men and for everything.

When creating the artwork of fine art structures it is my vision to introduce current societal problems (social and enviromental), usually covered by documentary and journalistic photography, through the artwork (an object or installation). I seek that clarity and maturity of a documentary photography be combined with objects (ready-made) and I create a work of art that is a carrier of message which is accepted not only by the professional public but also by lay people.

Professionally I was growing up as a documentary photographer who delivers themes to a viewer by means of reports and exhibitions. I do not lose this personality trait also in creation of artworks that do not contain the documentary photography.

For the last five years I have been working on the visual arts, not just as documentary photographer.



Publikoval v slovenských periodikách Goldmann, Plus 7 dni, Život, Slovenska, Nota Bene, Zahraničná politika, Pravda, Integrácia. V Českej republike cestovateľské časopisy Koktejl, Cestopisy a Lidé a Zeme. V Kanade v cestovateľskom magazine Outpost. Vo Veľkej Britanii v časopise Open Central Asia a britskom magazíne Geographical, ktorý vydáva Kráľovská geografická spoločnosť. 


Published works

In Slovak magazines and newspapers such as: Goldmann (monthly), Plus 7 dni (weekly), Slovenka (weekly), Nota Bene (monthly), Foreign policy (monthly), Pravda (daily) and Integration.

  • In the Czech Republic he published in travel magazines: Koktejl, Cestopisy and Lide a Zeme.

  • In United Kingdom his photo stories were presented in the magazine Open Central Asia and Geographical.

  • In Canada: Outpost magazine