Marie Lukáčová

  • Czech Republic (b. 2000 in Opava)
  • Currently in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Videoartist studying the possibilities of moving image composition and its narrative. Still try to present alternatives for nowadays social issues and hope, that one day she will become a pedicurist and producer of handiwork stuff such as carpets or vases


  • Sum up the main character of your work, your long-term interests and themes.

Marie Lukáčová’s single and multi-channel films are crystalline circuits of images, composed of signs borrowed from politics, mythology, geology and science. These references cross multiple temporalities, locations and personalities. Using the grammar of cinematography and montage, Lukáčová’s practice strives to indicate how spatial composition, human choreography and narrative construction inform and contribute to one another. Through her poetic treatment Lukáčová interweaves myth, biopolitics and the semiotics of cinema to visualize and ruminate upon future posthuman ontology.  

  • Describe the context of your work – what are your inspirational sources and theoretical starting points, which artists and tendencies do you consider as referential to your work.

My reference resources are random information from seznam, A2larm, Guardian, Al Jazeera, KrytykaPolityczna, NYTimes, instagram of Kim Kardashian, Perma Bows, Nik Tendo, Yzomandias, Jerry Saltz and 80 more. From the books that have influenced me and my work these days is good to mention: Praha-haha, Who lives in the woods? It is Bear! or General Intellect by Wark all of them eaten by my son. Also like Radical Technologies by Greenfield or Psychopolitcs from Buyng-Chulhan, but have no time to read it.

  • Try to characterize what makes your work specific, wherein lies its force, what makes it different from the work of artists with similar approaches and themes.
No idea... I try to keep as much art-production as possible in my hands. I am able to create a lyrics, scripts and songs by myself, product, direct and shoot them. After all I postproduct the material and make 3D and 2D animations. In recent days I also have a music influence (like sing a song). Knowledge of those video aspect is the medium of emancipation, and I hope that there are so many people who could handle it like me. But, also I started to be a rap singer of my own under a name sflr_oma. And plan to set up a rap trap woman czech label (with Miss Lavarain and Lobyboya), who are much more better singer and artist than me).
  • What is your work process like? Do you deal with preparation and research? How do you search for your themes? How do you choose the media you work in?
The course of my work is pretty simple, because pictures and narratives attack me when I jogging or come in dreams (but only in the Spring). Then I try to find the most suitable context through meetings and talks with lot of people.

  • What is your vision for the future? How do you want to develop your work and continue your previous projects/realizations? What is your long-term goal/dream?

My vision of the future contains the ability of repaying a mortgage for a flat and good sleeping, as well as I hope that I will be able to join to environmental protests (because you probably lose a milk in a jail). My future artwork will be probably related to what's going to be needed in the social sphere.


Marie Lukáčová, (born in 1991 in Opava), get her MgA. at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in 2017. She is one of the three founders of the Feminist Group / FB Guerilla called The Fourth Wave, which in 2017 launched a public debate about sexism at Universities. Marie also participated in the establishing of the critical-student organization "Studio without Master", where she worked and studied from 2015 until 2017. She studied at also visit Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno and at the Art Academy Maniz in Germany. She was also attended several residential stays (in Slovenia, Poland or Moldavia). Currently, she works on her video projects and teach Multimedia theories at the high school, try to be part of a public debates, and does everything for repay the mortgage for her apartment.


  • Marie Lukáčová-Gizd i Zgarb."Restlessness of Property - Continuation." Season Five -– An Assortment of Contributions on Themes of Land, Art, and Commons. Ed. Ernest Ah, Anastasia Mandel, Paul Niedermayer, Michel Wagenschütz. Berlin: Universität der Künste Berlin, 2018. 30-34. Print.
  • Who is the Subject? Marie Lukacova, online publication Příjemně jedno