Lindert Paulussen

  • Belgium (b. 1990 in Turnhout)
  • Currently in Breda, Netherlands.
  • I am a visual artist that moves and works around the border of Belgium and The Netherlands. Painting and illustrating are my main activities. My work is mostly inspired by the continuous transforming of nature and society.



Lindert Paulussen | Mostly Birds

Two years ago I graduated from St Lucas University College of Art and Design in Antwerp with a master’s degree in Fine Arts. For my dissertation I explored a family tradition, a tradition that goes back three generations on my father’s side: studying birds and their habitats. For years my family has recorded nest sites, tagged birds and examined eggs, and I could not allow this tradition to come to an end. As an artist I realised I could ensure that the next generation would carry it on by choosing birds and their habitats as the focus of my master study, which brings a new lease of life to this valuable heritage. I made the decision to concentrate on birds of prey due to the fact that I am so in awe of their power, dynamic nature and speed. Thus began the “Birds of Prey” project.

 I have been searching out the nests of birds of prey (focusing specifically on the species hawk, sparrow hawk, buzzard and owl) for more than two years now. Throughout the bird season I climb trees to reach their nests, providing me with the unique opportunity to observe these creatures from close-by. It is in spring that I can best observe nesting, brooding, hunting and the raising of young. It is in winter, however, that I look for the nesting sites, as the leafless trees make them easier to spot. I also make use of a look-out in which I patiently wait to catch a glimpse of these birds of prey during the harsh winter months. The nests containing offspring are hidden deep in the woods and only a small number people know where to find them. Knowing that I am one of the lucky few who have the privilege of looking into the eyes of these young animals fascinates me. With the aid of notes, photographs and sketches I am able to convey what I have witnessed and experienced onto canvas.

My work is inspired by a range of earlier art movements; the mind-set of Romanticism, the brush strokes of Impressionism and the movement of the Futurists all compel me. Moreover, I am continuously exploring the possibilities of my technique and use of colour; I strive for harmony in an abundance of chaotic brush strokes and for depth by alternating transparent and opaque layers of paint. Before the painting can even take place comes an intensive research process. The manner in which my paintings come into existence is not self-evident and necessitates much time and physical effort. This is, for me, a vital ingredient in the endeavour for authenticity.