Kitti Gosztola

  • Hungary (b. 1986 in Székesfehérvár)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.



I mainly focus on the construction and politics of natural sciences, while being informed by a conviction that art's social and sensual dimensions are not a zero sum game. Thus my activities range from tackling craftsmanship and materialities through works based on archival research to projects focusing on socio-political issues – from re-interpreting the techniques of cow appendix membranes once used in Zeppelins through re-evaluating invasive species with participants outside the artworld to a long-running investigation into Hungary’s marine imaginations.



Selected exhibitions: Conditio inhumana, Hungarian National Gallery (Budapest), #Bartók, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Ruminatio, SZIKM (Székesfehérvár, solo), Global Villager Instruments, OFF Biennial 2, Budapest; Flashforward Kisterem(Budapest, solo) Derkovits 2019, Kunsthalle Budapest, Grain of Salt – Eye-rhymes of Sealessness, SKC (Rijeka), Alloy ICA-D (Dunaújváros); awards: Smohay Prize and the Klára Herczeg Prize; residencies: St. Helier, Jersey (The Morning Boat), Rijeka, Croatia (Kamov), Bratislava, Slovakia (Reaktor), Salzburg, Austria (Landesatelier im Künstlerhaus), Mooste, Estonia (MoKS).


  • József Készman, Krisztina Szipőcs and Miklós Zsámboki (eds.) 2017. #Bartók. Budapest: Ludwig Múzeum – Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum

  • Kitti Gosztola. 2017. „Fafaj a világot jelentő deszkákon. Magyar akác a Trafóban.” Artmagazin 2017/5, pp. 56-58.

  • Kitti Gosztola. 2016. „Azt mondják, egy kéz nem bír el két dinnyét egyszerre.” Artmagazin 2016/7, pp. 70-71.



  • A kinyerés mélységei. Műértő. 2019 június, p. 4.

  • Annamária Nagy (ed.). 2018. Ötvözet / Alloy. [bilingual]. „Gosztola Kitti.” Dunaferr- Art Dunaújváros Foundation, 4-13.