Jan Durina

  • Slovakia (b. 1988 in Žilina)
  • Currently in Slovakia.
  • Jan Durina (born 1988) is a Slovak visual artist working primarily with photography.


  • Hunt - thumbnail

    I dream of you, Henry | 2014


  • Life is indeed a pleasure, and pleasures are usually short (Inspired by the story of Jenny-Wanda Barkmann) - thumbnail Family (Inspired by the story of Manson Girls) - thumbnail It ills me! It chills me... (Inspired of the story of Ewa Paradies) - thumbnail I am sore from your piano tones, Fracturing trees and bones (Inspired by the story of Josefine Luner) - thumbnail And in the very same bed, Hand in hand, Body shivering thrilled (Inspired by the story of Papin Sisters) - thumbnail Bitch of Belsen (Inspired by the story of Irma Grese) - thumbnail Aileen (Inspired by the story of Aileen Wuornos) - thumbnail If you choke someone, do they die? II. (Inspired by the story of Mary Flora Bell) - thumbnail If you choke someone, do they die? III. (Inspired by the story of Mary Flora Bell) - thumbnail

    Those Girls | 2011
