- Tea Bags on Eyelids, TIC gallery, Brno, Czech Republic.
- One–Legged Pigeon, Kostka gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- One Knot After Another, Třinec City gallery, Třinec, Czech Republic.
- One Knot After Another, HotDock Project Space, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- The Light that Finds the Spreading Wounds, The Contextile Biennale 2020, Guimarães, Portugal.
- Tiredness Quotes, Karlín Studios, Prague, Czech Republic.
- What has happened with sleep today?, Album Arte, Roma, Italy.
- Potential Causes of Afternoon Tiredness, Bancrupt textil shop, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- A Few Liters of Dried Rituals, River and Sun Spa, Luhačovice, Czech Republic.
- Soya Stream, 35m2 gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Diagnosis of the Curved Spine, Horizont gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
- A Dose of a Shared After-Taste, Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- The Shallow Sleep of Emergency Mode, Etc. gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- No Disc, Public space, Brno, Czech Republic.
- W-WORLD, HotDock Project Space, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- To Compose the Words from the Rush / Skládat slova z ruchů, Cella gallery, Opava, Czech Republic.
- Speech to the Wind / Mluva do větru, Lauby gallery, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- AC/BC, Jelení gallery, Praha, Czech Republic.
- To Moved the Air by the Sweep / Mávnutím rozčísnutý vzduch, Audiovize 2015, Cinema Art, Brno, Czech Republic.
- The Mangy Gang and the Noisy Song, Měsíc ve dne gallery, České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
- To Hear One’s footsteps Amidst The Noise / Uprostřed hluku vlastní kroky slyšet, The Brno House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic.
- The While / Chvíle, Off/Format gallery, Brno, Czech Republic.
- How the Things Are Going / Jak se věci mají, Půda gallery, Jihlava, Czech Republic.
- The Working Title – Painting / Pracovní název – Malířství, Luxfer gallery, Česká Skalice, Czech Republic.
- Hybrid IN, BWA Wroclaw (PL), GVUO Ostrava (CZ), GJK Trnava (SK), Wrocław, Ostrava, Trnava.
- Chronicles 3, Berlin Gallery Weekend, KPM Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur, Berlin, Germany.
- THE TRAFO-CLIQUE, Kunstverein Eisenstadt, Eisenstadt, Austria.
- Twisted Trails, Ceasar gallery, olomouc, Czech Republic.
- HOT MESS, Napoleon Komplex, Berlin, Germany.
- The Forage, sculpture route at Moabit, Berlin, Germany.
- Home–topia, R.–Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin, Germany.
- Overview Fact, Center for Contemporary Arts Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Salm Modern#1: Young Scene Challenge part III, National gallery Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Skúter IV, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, Slovakia.
- Open House, , Berlin, DE, Zentrum fur Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin, Germany.
- Two Heads Four Hands, 8smička gallery, Humpolec, CZ, 8smička gallery, Humpolec, Czech Republic.
- # OK – XII. Trienale of Small Objects and Drawings, Jozef Kollár Gallery, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia.
- Every Other Thing (with Pedro Barateiro, Sari Ember, Jaroslav Kysa, Lindsay Lawson, Roman Štětina, Nicolas Lamas), Krokus Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- The Neighbourhood, Bauer’s Chateau, Brno exhibition centre , Brno, Czech Republic.
- Dynasty, Temporary Structures 1 (with Johana Pošova and Milan Houser), PLATO, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- The Resonating Sound of a Fist Punching a Wall / Úder pěstí o zeď, co zní celý den, Central Slovakian Gallery, Banska bystrica, Slovakia.
- The abstraction rate in a particular life is decreasing / Miera abstrakcie v konkrétnom živote klesá, Central Slovakian Gallery, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.
- Zlínský salon mladých, Krajská galerie výtvarného umění ve Zlíně, Zlín, Czech Republic.
- Depth of focus, Das weisse haus, Vien, Austria.
- Born 1987 in Martin/Opole.
- Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
- 2016 - 2022
VUT Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno, Czech Republic
PhD. candidate – ongoing in
- 2011 - 2014
VUT Faculty of Fine Arts, painting studio II., Brno, Czech Republic
Masters of Fine Arts in Painting (MgA. Luděk Rathouský and MgA. Jiří Franta)
- 2008 - 2011
University of Ostrava, Fakulty of Fine Arts, painting studio II., Ostrava, Czech Republic
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting studio (MgA. František Kowolowski and MgA. Jiří Kuděla)
- 2021
Slovak Arts Council, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 2020
Mobility and project grant
Visegrad Fund, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2020
Mobility and project grant
Magic Carpets Fund, Guimaraes, Portugal
- 2019
Mobility grant
AIR Futura , Berlin, Germany
- 2019
Project grant
Slovak Arts Council , Budapest, Hungary
- 2018
Travel grant Stiftung Fund, Vienna, Austria
- 2017
Travel grant
YVAA Awards, New York, United States
- 2016
Oskar Čepan Award
Nadácia súčasného umenia, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 2016
Travel grant
Banska St anica Contemporary, Bern, Swaziland
- 2020
Artist in residence, Air Futura, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2020
Artist in residence, BANSKA ST A NICA Contemporary, Banska Štiavnica, Slovakia
- 2020
Artist in Residence, The Contextile Biennale 2020, The Contextile Biennale 2020, Guimarães, Portugal
- 2019
Artist in residence, Berlin Sessions, Berlin, Germany
- 2019
Artist in residence, Zentrum fur Kunst und Urbanistic, Berlin, Germany
- 2018
Artist in residence, Q21, MuseumsQuartier, Wien, Austria
- 2017
Artist in residence, Residency Unlimited, New York City, United States
- 2016
Artist in residence, PROGR, Bern, Switzerland
- 2014
Artist in residence , ISCP The International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York, United States
- 2013 - Present
2013 – 2017 founders and dramaturgists of artist run space – Tvar , Brno, Czech Republic