Dominika Lehocká

  • Slovakia (b. 1988 in Nitra)
  • Currently in Paris, France.
  • Dominika Lehocká


Všetky moje olejomaľby zrkadlia drobné cenné momenty z môjho každodenného života, moju fascináciu pre textúry, porvrchy materiálov a farby.

Kým olejomaľby zobrazujú detaily, ktoré nás priamo obklopujú, moje kresby a akvarely vypovedajú o mojom vnútornom rozpoložení, citových zážitkoch, či úvahách.


Each of my oilpaintincgs reflects precious visual experiences from my everyday life. They document my deep fascination for texture and color. 

When oilpaintings represent clear details from the world around us, my drawings and aquarells capture the expressions of my inner state, feelings or thoughts.


*1988, Nitra, Slovensko

lives and works in Nitra and Paris



2013 - Master of Fine Arts in Fine Arts diploma, Zurich University of Arts/ZHdK, CH

2011 - Bachelor of Arts ZFH in Fine Arts diploma, Zurich University of Arts/ZHdK, CH



2013 - 2. Miesto v medzinárodnej akvarelovej súťaži, Trienále Akvarelu, Lučenec, Sk

2012/13 - Erazmus štipendium, The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL



2013 - 26 illustrácií a dizajn albumu "Divadlo Bláznov" pre kapelu Jamestown

2013 – účasť na "Common Stage" – projekt vzájomnej spolupráce medzi školami ZHdK a NACTA (National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts) Beijing, Čína

2013 – spolukurátorka Erazmus výstavy s Katie Watt, Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL

2012 - „Veľká hudba pre malých ľudí“ – spolupráca na Master projekte Zhanel Akhmetovej - 51 Illustrácií príbehu pre deti: "Babar, malý slon"

2011 – účasť na AIAS Workshope, ktorý končil skupinovou výstavou v BWA Štúdiu, Wroclaw, PL



2013 - One night only - "Winter turning into spring", Zürich, CH

2013 – Galéria 207, Galéria Maľby ateliéru 207 na Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL

2011 - Casa del Arte, Gallery for Modern & Contemporary Art, Zürich, CH



2015 - 39e Salon du Val de Viosne, Osny, FR

2015 - "Art partagée #2", Anticafe, Paris, FR

2015- "Staré a nové podoby dreva" - Fórum dizajnu, Nábytok a bývanie – Medzinárodný veľtrh nábytku, bytových doplnkov, dizajnu a architektúry, Agrokomplex Nitra, SK

2015 - Iné činnosti 2, Ponitrianske múzeum, Nitra, SK

2014 – Výstava bývalých študentov "TRALAŠKOLY" II., Nitra, SK

2014 - "Junge Kunst I."- Gallerie Zimmermannhaus, Brugg, CH

2013 - "Contrast Effect" Casa del Arte, Gallery for Modern & Contemporary Art, Zürich, CH

2013 – Diplomová výstava - Master in Fine Arts, ZHdK, Zürich, CH

2013 – Erazmus výstava, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL

2012 – Výstava bývalých študentov „TRALAŠKOLY“, Nitra, SK

2011 – Diplomová výstava - Bachelor of Arts, ZHdK, Zürich, CH

2011 - Starkart Gallery - "Sweet Art", Zürich, CH

2010 - "Bless the Heart" - ZHdK Party, Zürich, CH

2010 - Starkart Gallery - "Hype", Zürich, CH

2010 - "Bless the Heart" - ZHdK Party Vernissage, Zürich, CH


* 1988, in Nitra, Slovakia

Currently lives and works in Nitra


2013 - Master of Fine Arts in Fine Arts diploma, Zurich University of Arts/ZHdK, CH

2011 - Bachelor of Arts ZFH in Fine Arts diploma, Zurich University of Arts/ZHdK, CH


2013 - 2.Place in an International aquarell competition - Triennial of Aquarell Lučenec, SK

2012/13 - Erasmus Stipendium, The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL


2013 - set of 26 illustrations and design of Album "Divadlo Bláznov" of the bandJamestown

2013 - participation on "Common Stage" - a cooperation project between ZHdK and NACTA (National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts) Beijing, China

2013 - curating of Erasmus Exhibition, with Katie Watt, Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL

2012 - „Big Music for small People“ - participation on a Master music Project of Zhanel Akhmetova - set of 51 Illustrations of a story for Children: "Babar, the little elephant"

2011 - Participation on AIAS Workshop, which finished with a group exhibition in BWA Studio, Wroclaw, PL


2013 - One night only - "Winter turning into spring", Zürich, CH

2013 - Gallery 207, Gallery of Painting Studio 207 at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL

2011 - Casa del Arte, Gallery for Modern & Contemporary Art, Zürich, CH


2015 - 39e Salon du Val de Viosne, Osny, FR

2015 - "Art partagée #2", Anticafe, Paris, FR

2015- "Staré a nové podoby dreva" - Fórum dizajnu, Furniture and living - International Trade Fair of Furniture, Accessories, Design and Interior Architecture, Agrokomplex Nitra, SK

2015 - Iné činnosti 2, Ponitrianske múzeum, Nitra, SK

2014 - Exhibition of former Students II. "TRALAŠKOLA", Nitra, SK

2014 - "Junge Kunst I."- Gallerie Zimmermannhaus, Brugg, CH

2013 - "Contrast Effect" Casa del Arte, Gallery for Modern & Contemporary Art, Zürich, CH

2013 - Diplom Exhibition - Master in Fine Arts, ZHdK, Zürich, CH

2013 - Erasmus Exhibition, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, PL

2012 – Exhibition of former Students of „TRALAŠKOLA“, Nitra, SK

2011 - Diplom Exhibition - Bachelor of Arts, ZHdK, Zürich, CH

2011 - Starkart Gallery - "Sweet Art", Zürich, CH

2010 - "Bless the Heart" - ZHdK Party, Zürich, CH

2010 - Starkart Gallery - "Hype", Zürich, CH

2010 - "Bless the Heart" - ZHdK Party Vernissage, Zürich, CH