Dmitry Kawarga

  • Russian Federation (b. 1975 in Moscow)
  • Currently in Moscow, Russian Federation.
  • The most considerable works at last several years are based on the synthesis of science, art and technology. The interactive kinetic objects and installations created in cooperation with scientists, programmers and engineers.


To balance on the edge of the technological and natural, rational and subconscious, structure and chaos, art and science — is the most exciting and rewarding pursuit. I like imagining myself as a researcher and an experimentalist, who happened to be inside his own experiment: in my case — a sort of biological art-instrument. On the one hand, I am constantly preoccupied contemplating my own biological and psychological processes. Shaping my observations into a kind of research, I try to recreate those processes in the form of installations and sculptures. On the other hand, I focus on the points of correspondence between myself and the world's rapidly changing scientific and technological flow. Once having broken with the genre boundaries, I moved from painting to sculpture, then to interactive sculpture and installation, later — to the time-based installation and afterwards returned to painting. This progression made me rediscover the art as an abstract on going research process, which can absorb literally anything.


Artist Dmitry Kawarga - Biomorphic radical.
Was born in Moscow. Lives and Works in Moscow area.
Has a profile art education. Has started to be exposed since 1988.

The most considerable works at last several years are based on the synthesis of science, art and technology. The interactive kinetic objects and installations created in cooperation with scientists, programmers and engineers.
Permanent participant of international exhibitions and festivals of contemporary art, including Lexsus Hybrid Art, Ars Electronica, FILE Electronic Language International Festival and others.

The winner of a competition "Monument", The project of the monuments to the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin in
Honorary Mentions in the nomination Interactive Art, Ars Electronica 2013