Dariusz Gwizdala

  • Hungary (b. 1989)
  • Currently in Budapest, Hungary.


Replica,and I'm sorry series

Since the second half of 2016 Dáriusz Gwizdala has been engaged in recontextualizing genre sculpture in Budapest public spaces. His creative method is an ephemeral plastic reproduction technique which he utilizes to create guerrilla remix reliefs. Throughout his works he focuses on appropriating existing creations and the free use and adoption of content in public places.
To fully comprehend his works it is essential to know and understand the creative process, witch are presented in two videos,

Szilágyi Róza Tekla

The Aabstrct Series

Between 2013-2015 I searched for sculpture-like phenomena hidden in our environment. These are volatile works identified on the extremely narrow border between everyday life and art..This series called „Aabstrct” contains ten works. Each of them is transformed from a whole functional object. For the compositions I use just the natural assembly points of the objects so I could easily convert them back to trivial things like a chair or a coat rack. The titles are the mixed letters of the original object, in order to help understand the process. The sculptures are supplemented with werk films as
for me the process itself is as important as the pieces.