As an Artist, How art is necessary to us?
As an artist who used photography, Can we go beyond the limitation of photography itself?
I am an artivist, a thought provoking artist and a surreal photographer. My work based upon psychology, identity, dream and fantasy with the hidden message about social and political issue. It’s all about to show the other side of social truth.
Throughout my career the fundamental question of necessity of art had underpinned my work. Giving myself deeply concern in create all artwork to be thought provoking and giving a strong critical view to the audiences, in hope of raising awareness and making positive change to the social and cultural issue that is overlook and unheard in our world.
Working many years on tradition photography medium with believe “Art can change the world”. I started to found that photography was limited by itself. The limitation lead me to aim to go beyond photography medium and start to experiment to take photography to more interdisciplinary art idea.
Today as an artist and an artist who used photography. I remain believing in making art to making change and keeping on experiment the boundary of photography medium and language.