Caleb Earl Smith

  • United States (b. 1992)
  • Currently in Richmond, United States.


My art practice struggles with the banality and (lack of) desire intrinsic to contemporary bourgeois existence. With post-modernity we have lost a part of ourselves which in fact never existed. Freud describes melancholy as loosing the desire for a thing, the melancholic often experiences the loss of desire as the loss of the thing. Ostalgie, Yugo-nostalgia, and nostalgia for '68, have we lost the revolutionary ideals or simply the desire for them? Occupy! was (Viagra) an impotent attempt at assuring ourselves we could still desire. We went through the motions, but we can no longer believe. Neo-liberalism is our final historic moment and to us will be infinite. 

Technology will be infinite, 

Capital will be infinite, 

Suburbs will be infinite, 

And our melancholy will be infinite.

I paint or print from my historical and class perspective the representations of bourgieous beliefs: the symbolic order revealed through stock imagery or the contemporary ampathy/meloncholy revealed in its love for what is already lost e.g. old propoganda/advertisments and magazine articles.

painting is not dead, it is nostalgic.


I was raised in Southwest Virginia, where expanding towns bulldozed grazing fields to build suburbs, strip malls, and office buildings.

I attended Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond.
I will attend the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston to work towards an MFA