For me, 'space' or 'a specific place' is a site where I saw and I traveled. A place formed through my spatial perception connotes cultural properties and aesthetic sense. I select the elements that consists the specific place of things we face in daily routine and then reflect our own stories to those. Rivers, mountains, streets, people living, incident and episodes are viewed from different gazes, based on experience. I have new understanding of familiar place through their’s own perspectives.
People's memory is not long and sticky as expecting. It is enough that just destroys and constructs building again. People easily forget memory of life indwelling in there. My work was started to remember stories from the spoiling society landscape.
I compose a picture plane by mixing the images in real life with the ones of the nature watched from a distance and collected like a pictorial map. The images evenly arranged with the repetitive images of scenery and the various ones of life found in our everyday life intertwined, are unfolded like a large panoramic piece.
Visual materials accumulate through reproductions of satellite pictures, site pictures, and topographic maps. These revive impressions of the site within time flowing through abbreviation and modification, maximizing, a specific object.
The visitors may already know the daily place introduced. However, with my efforts, these spaces become familiar but also unfamiliar at the same time by given new meaning. The visual experience represents is diversely displayed in time and spatially. It is twofold space of overlapping past and present, and becomes different place of overlapping my and the other’s memories. Visitors will discover specialties the place of daily life, which may not be recognized before.
I was born in 1984 in South Korea. I am studying at Chelsea college of arts in London to do a Master's degree. I have held exhibitions and participated in residency programs.