Anna Rose

  • United States (b. 1982 in Falmouth)
  • Currently in Florence, Italy.
  • Anna Rose's work addresses the relationship between body and environment, entering into conversation with historical, psychological, and cultural mythologies of place. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the San Francisco Art Institute.


Through video, photography, costume, and performance, my work investigates both landscape and figure as players in a tableau vivant, engaged in the particular historical, psychological, and cultural myths of place. Using both natural and synthetic fibers to build wearable sculptures, I seek a point of contact with the surroundings, positioning the figure as an element of the landscape, sometimes by mimesis, sometimes in stark contrast, with consideration for the specific nature of the space and the role of the figures presence within it.

Themes of dis—and mis—placement pervade my work.  The draped, voluminous figures both hide in, and are revealed by the landscape, mismatched and mimicking the environment.  In this way the technical aspects of video production and editing are also exploited as players in the work, manipulating and creating spaces that exist in solely on the screen. 


Anna Rose (b. 1982, Massachusetts, USA) lives and works in Florence, Italy.  She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the San Francisco Art Institute.  Her work spans across fiber arts, costume, photography and video, with a sensibility towards the relationship between body and environment, entering into conversation with historical, psychological, and cultural mythologies of place.